Thursday, January 15, 2009

Escaping civilization

Hello All,

Thank you for checking out our blog. We are currently in the process of developing a website. This summer, Spencer Mondshein, Eli Federman and Beny will be leaving their respective urban lifestyles and entering the rugged wilderness. Despite being city dwellers completely reliant on modern society, we will survive for 30 days and nights, divorced from all of our technological comforts. This means… No cell phones. No TV. No computer. No store bought food. No showers. No cars. No air conditioning. No microwave. No running water. No tent. No utensils. No bed. No medicine. No doctor. No distractions. We will use our natural resources to innovate survival.

We will be bringing a camera for the purpose of sharing this experience through a documentary style film. While, we have both personal and sociological reasons for this foray, the essential idea behind this undertaking is to reassure everyone and prove that common people have the innate ability to survive in the wild while reaping the psychological, physical and emotional benefits of being in tuned with nature.

On a personal level, we will be entering this journey for self-discovery and an education on primitive survival. A human’s perception of difficulty changes with the realization that you can survive in the wilderness with no modern day comforts. We often look at people and wonder if they would look the same had they not lived amidst pollution, fast food, television, cars, chemicals, sweets, computers, sofas, microwaves, radiation etc. As city dwellers, it will be interesting to see and feel raw mother nature. We plan on engaging in great discourse on a variety of issues. We will have a lot of time for reflection and thought. So, for us, this will be good mental and physical medicine.

With the documentary and essence of the journey we hope to convey a few things.

1) Protesting American societies pressure for social standing and material acquisition.
While claiming to support "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness", American society is very suffocating. The pressure to be "successful" is criminal. The definition of "success" has taken on a meaning that further advocates societies pressure. We look around and see too many individuals leading lives that are for social standing, attainment of material goods and future comfort, rather than intellectual discovery and personal physical and emotional wellness. We are forever trying to be accepted and respected by others when we should be respecting ourselves! There seems to be some giant race that everyone enters subconsciously. However, We don't see what the prize for winning is. If we had to choose it would be happiness, satisfaction, accomplishment, love of something or someone. Unfortunately, social hierarchy and the "American dream" seem to be the trophies, luxuries and material goods, the prize. In everyone’s core there is a wild beast of the forest. At one point in time, no matter how brief, we have all relished at the thought of living a wild and adventurous life. In the forest, you can survive and live comfortably without the luxuries. In the end, the tangible elements in your life won’t determine if you are pleased or not. In the wilderness we will reach this higher awareness living a meaningful life that is not dependent on the acquisition of material goods.

2) Respect and appreciation for the environment.
We simply need to respect this world in which we live. Human beings are guests of this planet. We were blessed to evolve the way in which we did and have the brain capacity to develop the stunning technologies of today. However, if we are so dang smart, then we must be able to see that our planet needs us now. Before human technology came along, the globe was pure, fresh and natural. Mother nature was the scientist, technician, religious figure, governing body and philosopher. Now, humans have assumed all these roles and as a result, we are running out of drinking water and are being exposed to toxic waste and environmental degradation. The very air we breathe no longer is crisp, fresh and healthy. So, not only do we need to do something about this for the safety of the human race, but out of respect for the mother who has nurtured us from day one.

3) The absurdity of racism.

Long before cities, class systems, currency, technology and “civilized society”, the mindset of humans was solely to survive. Power, prestige and privilege did not exist. We roamed the planet as equals. Equals, with the same goal. That goal was to live. At the very core of it all today is the same. Racism is an illogical belief. It is proven that we, humans, share ninety-nine point nine percent of our DNA with each other. As a matter of fact, more variations occur within ethnic groups than between them. How can there be so much hatred when we have so much in common? We are so similar that it would only take .1% more bigotry to FULLY hate yourself. There is no reason for prejudice other than people’s own unreasonable fears. What is so difficult about seeing that all people, whether man, woman, black, white, yellow, green, orange, purple, tall, short, rich, poor, smart, slow, blind, deaf, crippled, old or young are PEOPLE? Those who look at others as inferior fail to realize that they share the same qualities as those other human beings. Being in the wild, Eli, Beny, and myself will become the hunted and the hunter. We will realize that we are all in this together. We are all human beings that require the same necessities: food, water, shelter, companionship, meaning, self-actualization. This realty will be realized through reliving a primitive time where humankind universally recognized their inherent equality.

Thank you for reading and please give your comments and suggestions. If you agree, great. If you disagree, even better. The best way to learn is to discuss. A good open-minded discourse allows for infinite amount of information to pass through. We really appreciate it.

-Spencer, Eli and Beny